SBL1S Sensor Box

SBL1S Sensor Box

Model: SBL1S

Measurement Environment: Two Axis, 4~20mA and 0..5V outputs

Applications: Sensor box (180 x 180 x 100mm3 - large and robust) with two integrated SEIKA sensors of any type, one integrated signal conditioner with 4...20mA output, one integrated signal conditioner with 0...5V output and two safety relays that respond to traversing of adjustable thresholds. The SBL1S has two redundant, electrically isolated measuring channels for safety related applications.

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This is just one example of the Seika accelerometers sensor boxes we have available at Sensors UK. Please contact us to discuss the wider options available.

Sensor box for use in particularly harsh operating conditions containing two sensors, one signal conditioner with 4...20mA output, one signal conditioner with 0...5V output and two safety relays for threshold monitoring.


  • large, robust pressure die cast aluminium housing (IP65)
  • angular adjustable, vibration damped 3- point fastening of rigid, 3.2mm thick base PCB
  • all SEIKA sensors fit the housing and can be installed in different directions of operation
  • two integrated, independent measuring channels, electrically isolated from each other and the housing and redundant if operating direction is the same
Channel 1 Channel 2
  • signal conditioner with 4...20mA, 2-wire output
  • signal conditioner with 0 … 5V output
  • temperature drift compensation
  • temperature drift compensation
  • no separate supply voltage necessary
  • 12V or 24V supply voltage
  • either connection polarity
  • either connection polarity
  • two separate, individually adjustable safety relay outputs with a separate open and a separate close mechanism each

Both Channels

  • output signals calibrated to customer's specifications
  • extensive EMC protection
  • highly stable sensor supply voltage
  • high mechanical overload resistance
  • low pass filter with optional choice of cutoff frequency for suppression of interference frequencies


The SBL1S is a pressure die cast aluminium housing (IP65) with two integrated sensors for uniaxial measurement of inclinations.

In addition to the sensors, the housing contains one signal conditioner with 4...20mA output and one signal conditioner with 0...5V output. These include active low pass filters, whose upper cut-off frequencies / settling times can be adjusted to fit the measuring task, and noise voltage filters to ensure the EMC. Interference signals caused by undefined ground currents are eliminated by electrically isolating sensors and signal conditioners from each other and the housing.

The voltage output of the SBL1S has two switch outputs, each with a safety relay. Two helical potentiometers allow the setting of two trigger thresholds within the measuring range, at which the corresponding relay triggers. Each relay output has an independent opening and closing contact. The switching hysteresis can be adapted to the measurement task.

A special electronic temperature compensation system can significantly reduce the temperature sensitivity of the implemented sensor.

The compact PG cable gland and compact housing size in combination with the 15-wire connection enable the use of this high quality measuring system in harsh operating conditions.


The SBL1S has its application in areas requiring precise inclination measurements under harsh circumstances and consideration of special safety demands. Areas of successful implementation include construction, mining (especially large open pit mining machinery), agricultural machinery, transportation and conveyor systems, ships, operation and automation technology as well as general mechanical engineering.






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