
The measurement technique used in these capacitive inclinometers enables a linear relationship between the angle to be measured and the output signal. The determined angle is independent of the local gravitational acceleration, which means that no matter where the measurement is being taken, whether in Europe, Australia, on Mount Everest or on the moon, the inclination will be measured correctly anywhere.

Measurements of inclinations in measuring instruments and inspection equipment, in water, land and air vehicles, in automation and safety technology, on cranes and lifting equipment, on robots, in the manufacture of scientific equipment, in medicine and telecommunication as well as navigation systems are typical examples.

The main characteristics of these inclinometers are:

  • linear output characteristics
  • high measurement accuracy
  • high long-term stability
  • hysteresis free output signal
  • minimal zero point drift
  • integrated sensor electronics
  • low power consumption
  • small housing
  • light weight
  • different output signal options
  • no interference by ambient electromagnetic fields
  • minimal transverse sensitivity over whole measuring range
  • hermetically sealed
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